
Volunteer Spotlight: Danny Kim

Volunteer Spotlight: Danny Kim
Volunteer Spotlight: Danny Kim, Data Analyst
In: volunteer-spotlight

Meet Danny, one of the data analysts staffed on our Youth Data Literacy & Climate Resilience Program!

Can you tell us about your journey to becoming a volunteer with Climate Resilient Communities and what personally motivated you?

"It was May 2023. I was still new to Canada and wanted to get involved in the Toronto community. I discovered a post recruiting a data scientist for the CRC team. I thought it was a perfect opportunity to better understand the community and to gain hands-on experience with a data-related project, especially as a master’s student in statistics."

Describe a specific project or event you were involved in. What were the goals, your role, and the outcomes?

"I was involved in the Youth Data Literacy Workshop Pilot from its initial stages to the final event. My role was to create geospatial data of tree canopy coverage from open data sources of the City of Toronto, analyzing it down to the dissemination area level. I provided the final data, which helped visualize and present our findings to Rexdale Community Hub’s STEM Club. It was rewarding to work with the youth community in person and engage in meaningful communication."

What challenges did you encounter while volunteering, and how did you address them?

"Handling diverse geospatial data required learning new GIS tools and queries. It was challenging to grasp new concepts while I was busy completing my master’s research paper. Fortunately, our team includes many experts in various fields, and resources such as an invitation to a spatial data science bootcamp were provided. I learned a great deal from a colleague, Q, who generously offered advice at any hour. The support of people around you really makes a difference!"

Reflecting on your experiences, what insights can you offer to others about the importance of volunteering in climate resilience?

"During a datathon to analyze survey data, I learned that while people are aware that climate change is a serious issue, many do not know how to act at the community level. Numerous studies emphasize that public awareness and education are key. Through various projects, I realized that promoting public awareness through data-driven activities is crucial. Just understanding what is happening and how serious it is within my community helps alleviate the situation. The more we advocate for climate change awareness through volunteering, the more resilient our community will become. I think this is why our CRC team is here today."

What are your aspirations within the organization and are there particular projects you are looking forward to?

"My goal is to continue making impacts in the community as part of CRC. I am currently a statistical analyst at a transfusion research center, which has a significant impact on blood transfusion studies and practices. My aspiration is to make positive impacts on the people around me, and I would be very happy and motivated to get involved in activities that positively affect the community."

Volunteer with Climate Resilient Communities!

We're currently recruiting:
💚 2 Project Managers
🤖 1-2 Graphic Designers
🤝 1 Volunteer Lead

Why Volunteer With Us?

🤖 Gain experience in climate resilience & data and AI technologies
💚 Contribute to a meaningful cause
🤲 Collaborate with a passionate and diverse team
👯 Expand your professional network
🎓 Grow your knowledge, skills, and more!

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